The Natural Self-Healing Power

The natural self-healing power is the function of putting out unnecessary wastes in the body by feces, urine, sweat, etc.
It can remove unwanted wastes from your body and cure diseases.

When waste can no longer be stored in the body and suddenly leaves the body, unpleasant symptoms such as cough and fever may appear.

Fever caused by infection is the same. Viruses are sensitive to heat, so when a virus enters your body, you get a fever to kill the virus, or you cough to excrete the body.
If you take an antifever medicine to lower a fever or a cough medicine to stop coughing, the virus will remain in your body.

To get the most out of your natural healing powers, pay attention to your diet, exercise and store as little waste as possible, and don’t try to control the excretion of accumulated waste.
In this way, the internal environment is improved and the immune system and natural healing power will be enhanced.
